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June Colors 2021


You know that rich, dreamy purple that shows up in the sky after a memorable sunset, just before a really good summer night starts up? Well, now you can wear it. We went ahead and did that. Our new favorite color is called Dusk. We’re huge fans of it, and you’ll find it in our packs this month!

You can scoop Dusk alongside fellow cool new color Neomint and classic Charcoal in our Bold 3-Pack.

You’ll find Dusk alongside the definitive go-tos of Black and White in our Foundation 3-Pack.

You’ll find the three popular standbys of Black, White, and Charcoal in our Basic 3-Pack.

Have you been tagging Fresh Clean Tees on Instagram or using our hashtags #FreshCleanTees and #FreshFam? We give away free gear each month and you need to be in it to win it!

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